Duct hangers and supports are required by HVAC Australian Standards

Using Duct Saddles Can Improve Your Business Profits

Improve domestic heating and cooling services

One of the most common customer request heating and cooling contractors recieve is to fix restricted air flow througout the house. Duct Saddles is a quick and easy fix which will add profit and customer satisfaction.

Add value to HVAC installations

Applying Duct Saddles to airducts is a low-cost and low-effort additional extra which improves the quality of your service and can add significant margin to your profits.

If you’re interested in adding Duct Saddles to your business then the Duct Saddles Wholesale team is ready to hear from you.

duct saddle duct hangers and support

Duct Saddles Case Study

Duct Saddles have been proven to improve the the services of heating and cooling contractors and increase annual profits with minimal time, effort and investment. Duct Saddles have improved the airflow of hundreds of thousands of homes across America and now the patended duct hanger design has landed in Australia – now is the time to jump onboard with Duct Saddles.

How does Duct Saddles increase HVAC contractor profits?

Duct Saddles are a low-cost duct hanger unit, compatible with any duct strap support system, which will dramatically alter the amount of time, effort and materials required on HVAC installations and make servicing a breeze.

Fitting out a heating and cooling systems air ducts will improve your profits because you will:

  • Save on labor cost
  • Save on material cost
  • Less duct strapping and duct support requires
  • Works with any duct strapping and support
  • Fast and easy installation

Plus, the word-of-mouth referrals and positive online reviews will enhance your business profile and eventually see an increase in heating and cooling air duct service bookings.

Why will your customers love you installing Duct Saddle air duct hangers?

Your customers will see with their own eyes the physical improvements of their air duct system and feel the air flow improvements throughout the entire house.

Investing in your heating and cooling services to insall Duct Saddles duct hangers will also save them money in multiple ways:

  • Reduce wear and tear on the system and motor
  • Increase heating and cooling system efficiency
  • Lower the cost of heating and cooling bills
  • Avoid expencive replacements by expanding the lifespan of the heating and cooling unit

Example of how Duct Saddles can increase profits every year

A heating and cooling contractor running 3 x service team vans will make an average of 3 x calls per van every working day. That’s 9 x service calls per day, or around 270 service calls per month.

If 10% of your customers purchase an Energy Efficiency Upgrade – Duct Saddles, that’s 27 upgrades per month which may be an average of $350 per Duct Saddle duct hanger installation.

That’s an extra $113,400 per year!

Duct Saddles have increased profits for heating and cooling contractors all around America. Now Duct Saddles have entered Australian markets you can be an early adopter and also have the opportunity to increase business profits this year.

Fast and Easy Installation
Increased System Efficiency
Extended Life of Your HVAC Unit